It is of great importance to us that our customers’ opinions are heard. Should you have a question, inquiry or problem, we request that you contact us in writing by filling in our forms. We will do our utmost to respond and resolve your inquiry as soon as possible. Please report a problem, question or request to our customer service only once, as this will greatly speed up the time it takes to process your case.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Send your request in case of UA or UC parcel tracking number
Send your request in case of UB parcel tracking number
Send your request in case of ECSCCA parcel tracking number
Send your request in case of LA/ RR parcel tracking number
Send your request in case of PNLUC parcel tracking number
Send your request in case of ECSC00AA parcel tracking number
Send your request in case of ECSC04AA parcel tracking number
Send your request in case of ECSC00AARO parcel tracking number
Before filling out our form, please read the following useful information about packages starting with UA/UC
After arrival at the Post Office, they are delivered to a letterbox based on the address data on the package (in a non-registered manner), or they ensure collection at a local post office if the size does not allow for delivery to the letterbox. At the post office, you can personally ask in the escrow management if there is a letter/package received to your name and address, they cannot help based on the UA/UC package ID.
From when can the package be searched at the local post office?
If the shipment has arrived in the destination country, you can search for the shipment at the delivery post office of the address. If the status of the package changes to “Arrived at local delivery center”, the package can be searched from the following 10th day.
What do you need to know about identification shipments with the beginning UA/UC?
The delivery service associated with the UA/UC ID shipment is a so-called semi-tracked service. In this case, the last tracking event is the arrival of the parcel in the destination country, so the parcel must be searched for at the local post office of the address. We would like to inform you that there is no record of the shipment with the UA/UC identification, it cannot be found in the tracking system of the national post office of the destination country. The delivery method of the parcel does not include tracking within the given country.
How long does the post office store the package?
The post office stores the items for a specified period, after which they are returned to the sender. Please inquire about the exact storage time at your country’s national post office.
What happens if the package is not received on time?
If the parcel is not received on time and its storage period expires, it will be returned to the Sender. If a shipment is returned, our company cannot track the shipment, we cannot see the status of the returned package, and therefore restarting the delivery process is not possible. The product must be reordered.
In this case, you must notify the online store that your parcel has been returned and a refund will be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the online store.
After arrival at the Post Office, they are delivered to a letterbox based on the address data on the package (in a non-registered manner), or they ensure collection at a local post office if the size does not allow for delivery to the letterbox. At the post office, you can personally ask in the escrow management if there is a letter/package received to your name and address, they cannot help based on the UB package ID.
From when can the package be searched at the local post office?
If the shipment has arrived in the destination country, you can search for the shipment at the delivery post office of the address. If the status of the package changes to ” Received by local delivery company “, the package can be searched from the following 14th day.
What do you need to know about identification shipments with the beginning UB?
The delivery service associated with the UB ID shipment is a so-called super economy service. In this case, the last tracking event is the arrival of the parcel in Hungary, so the parcel must be searched for at the local post office of the address. We would like to inform you that there is no record of the shipment with the UB identification, it cannot be found in the tracking system of the national post office of the destination country. The delivery method of the parcel does not include tracking within the given country.
How long does the post office store the package?
The post office stores the items for a specified period, after which they are returned to the sender. Please inquire about the exact storage time at your country’s national post office.
What happens if the package is not received on time?
If the parcel is not received on time and its storage period expires, it will be returned to the Sender. If a shipment is returned, our company cannot track the shipment, we cannot see the status of the returned package, and therefore restarting the delivery process is not possible. The product must be reordered.
In this case, you must notify the online store that your parcel has been returned and a refund will be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the online store.
After arrival at the Post Office, they are delivered to a letterbox based on the address data on the package (in a non-registered manner), or they ensure collection at a local post office if the size does not allow for delivery to the letterbox. At the post office, you can personally ask in the escrow management if there is a letter/package received to your name and address, they cannot help based on the ECSCCA package ID.
From when can the package be searched at the local post office?
If the shipment has arrived in Hungary, you can search for the shipment at the delivery post office of the address. If the status of the package changes to “Arrived at local delivery center”, the package can be searched from the following 7th day.
What do you need to know about identification shipments with the beginning ECSCCA?
The delivery service associated with the ECSCCA ID shipment is a so-called semi-tracked or siper economy service. In this case, the last tracking event is the arrival of the parcel in Hungary, so the parcel has to be searched for at the local post office of the address. We would like to inform you that there is no record of the shipment with the ECSCCA identification you have provided, it cannot be found in the tracking system of the national post office of the destination country. The delivery method of the parcel does not include tracking within the given country.
How long does the post office store the package?
In the case of international shipments arriving in Hungary from abroad, up to 15 working days from the day following the day of arrival at the postal service point.
What happens if the package is not received on time?
If the parcel is not received on time and its storage period expires, it will be returned to the Sender. If a shipment is returned, our company cannot track the shipment, we cannot see the status of the returned package, and therefore restarting the delivery process is not possible. The product must be reordered.
In this case, you must notify the online store that your parcel has been returned and a refund will be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the online store.
What do you need to know about identification shipments with the beginning LA/RR?
The delivery service associated with LA ID is a so-called Global Prime. Prime letters are shipments without value declaration and recommended additional services, for which tracking is (limited) provided until the delivery attempt or delivery. The delivery service associated with RR are so-called International Global Mail Economy items. These shipments have full tracking.
How long does the post office store the package?
The post office stores the items for a specified period, after which they are returned to the sender. Please inquire about the exact storage time at your country’s national post office.
What happens if the package is not received on time?
If the parcel is not received on time and its storage period expires, it will be returned to the Sender. The delivery service associated with LA..parcel number, the foreign post offices do not perform data changes, complaint handling, or package searches for our company, so in all cases, assistance should be requested from the customer service of the national post office.
If a shipment is returned, our company cannot track the shipment, we cannot see the status of the returned package, and therefore restarting the delivery process is not possible. The product must be reordered. In this case, you must notify the online store that your parcel has been returned and a refund will be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the online store.
Before filling out our form, please read the following useful information about packages starting with PNLUC
Where can the package be tracked? or or Temu mobile application: login to the created account within the application – select the “Your orders” menu – select the “Tracking” button for a given order. Here you can see the shipment statuses.
Who is the shipping company?
Hungarian Post. In the case of data changes, delivery information, or consultation regarding delivery, please consult with our delivery partner.
Where should I report if only part of the products have arrived / the product is not of good quality / does not work?
If there is a problem with the product, it must be reported to the Sender or online store from which the product was ordered. The delivery companies are responsible for the delivery of the package, complaints about the ordered product or goods should be addressed to the Sender or online store.
What do you need to know about identification shipments with the beginning PNLUC?
The delivery service associated with PNLUC ID have full tracking. Magyar Posta will take out the packages twice free of charge to the address specified in the address. After that, it can be collected at the competent deposit post office for up to 10 working days.
How long does the post office store the package?
If the shipment has been delivered twice unsuccessfully, it can then be collected at the deposit post office responsible for the address for up to 10 working days. For more information, please contact Magyar Posta customer service or the delivery post office at the address.
What happens if the package is not received on time?
If the parcel is not received on time and its storage period expires, it will be returned to the Sender. If a shipment is returned, our company cannot track the shipment, we cannot see the status of the returned package, and therefore restarting the delivery process is not possible. The product must be reordered. In this case, you must notify the online store that your parcel has been returned and a refund will be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the online store.
NTC Logistics. In the case of data changes, delivery information, or consultation regarding delivery, please consult with our delivery partner.
Where should I report if only part of the products have arrived / the product is not of good quality / does not work?
If there is a problem with the product, it must be reported to the Sender or online store from which the product was ordered. The delivery companies are responsible for the delivery of the package, complaints about the ordered product or goods should be addressed to the Sender or online store.
What do you need to know about identification shipments with the beginning ECSC00AA?
The delivery service associated with ECSC00AA ID have full tracking. Before the package is delivered, the Recipient receives a notification via SMS. In case of unsuccessful delivery, the delivery will be attempted 2 more times. After 3 unsuccessful deliveries, the package will be stored for 3 weeks. During this time, you can apply for the package, and the courier company will deliver it at the agreed time.
How long does the post office store the package?
If the parcel has been delivered unsuccessfully three times, it is possible to apply for the package up to 3 weeks after the 3rd failed delivery. For more information, please contact NTC Logistics.
What happens if the package is not received on time?
If the parcel is not received on time and its storage period expires, it will be returned to the Sender. If a shipment is returned, our company cannot track the shipment, we cannot see the status of the returned package, and therefore restarting the delivery process is not possible. The product must be reordered. In this case, you must notify the online store that your parcel has been returned and a refund will be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the online store.
Before filling out our form, please read the following useful information about packages starting with ECSC04AA
Where can the package be tracked? or Temu mobile application: login to the created account within the application – select the “Your orders” menu – select the “Tracking” button for a given order. Here you can see the shipment statuses.
Who is the shipping company?
NTC Logistics. In the case of data changes, delivery information, or consultation regarding delivery, please consult with our delivery partner.
Where should I report if only part of the products have arrived / the product is not of good quality / does not work?
If there is a problem with the product, it must be reported to the Sender or online store from which the product was ordered. The delivery companies are responsible for the delivery of the package, complaints about the ordered product or goods should be addressed to the Sender or online store.
What do you need to know about identification shipments with the beginning ECSC04AA?
The delivery service associated with ECSC04AA ID have full tracking. Before the package is delivered, the Recipient receives a notification via SMS. In case of unsuccessful delivery, the delivery will be attempted 2 more times. After 3 unsuccessful deliveries, the package will be stored for 3 weeks. During this time, you can apply for the package, and the courier company will deliver it at the agreed time.
How long does the post office store the package?
If the parcel has been delivered unsuccessfully three times, it is possible to apply for the package up to 3 weeks after the 3rd failed delivery. For more information, please contact NTC Logistics.
What happens if the package is not received on time?
If the parcel is not received on time and its storage period expires, it will be returned to the Sender. If a shipment is returned, our company cannot track the shipment, we cannot see the status of the returned package, and therefore restarting the delivery process is not possible. The product must be reordered. In this case, you must notify the online store that your parcel has been returned and a refund will be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the online store.
Fan Courier Express SRL. In the case of data changes, delivery information, or consultation regarding delivery, please consult with our delivery partner.
Where should I report if only part of the products have arrived / the product is not of good quality / does not work?
If there is a problem with the product, it must be reported to the Sender or online store from which the product was ordered. The delivery companies are responsible for the delivery of the package, complaints about the ordered product or goods should be addressed to the Sender or online store.
What do you need to know about identification shipments with the beginning ECSC00AARO?
The delivery service associated with ECSC00AARO ID have full tracking. If the package was requested for home delivery, the Recipient will receive a notification about the delivery via SMS. In the event of a failed delivery, delivery will be attempted on the next business day. If the delivery fails again, it is possible to pick up the package at the center for 5 days from the next day. If the parcel arrives at parcel machines, the Recipient will receive a notification via SMS. If the package is not received, the Recipient will be notified again on the 4th day after placement.
How long does the post office store the package?
If the package has been delivered unsuccessfully twice, it is possible to pick up the package at the center for 5 days from the day after the 2nd unsuccessful delivery. For more information, please contact Fan Courier.
What happens if the package is not received on time?
If the parcel is not received on time and its storage period expires, it will be returned to the Sender. If a shipment is returned, our company cannot track the shipment, we cannot see the status of the returned package, and therefore restarting the delivery process is not possible. The product must be reordered.In this case, you must notify the online store that your parcel has been returned and a refund will be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the online store.